by Capella Savaria (on period instruments);
Zsolt Kalló, László Paulik, Dániel Papp (violins);
Bettina Simon (oboe); Andrea Bertalan (flute); Rita Papp (harpsichord)
There is only a small number of orchestral pieces in Johann Sebastian Bach’s œuvre – which is surprising considering that the composer worked with excellent ensembles in both of his positions – as “Konzertmeister” and “Kapellmeister”– in Köthen and Weimar during the period between 1708 and 1723.
This is particularly true of concertos where there is a high number of transcriptions, rearranged predominantly for harpsichord. Capella Savaria, Hungary’s oldest period instrument ensemble, presents four of these on this album.
Az ár tartalmazza az ÁFA-t. Számlát mellékelünk.
CD-k ára egységesen: 3000 Ft
Postaköltség: 1500 Ft
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