Capella Savaria (on period instruments) with Zsolt Kalló
The autograph manuscript of Johann Sebastian Bach’s most renowned and most often played instrumental work was discovered one hundred year after the composer’s death, by a curator of Berlin’s Königliche Bibliothek (today’s Staatsbibliothek).
The collection, consisting of six concertos, was dedicated by Bach to Christian Ludwig, the Margrave of Brandenburg, and this is the reason why Philipp Spitta – Bach’s 19th-century biographer – gave the compositions this title.
The concertos are performed by Capella Savaria on period instruments.
Az ár tartalmazza az ÁFA-t. Számlát mellékelünk.
CD-k ára egységesen: 3000 Ft
Postaköltség: 1500 Ft
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